Thoughts on the Grail Message

In the following you will find a series of essays on the individual core statements of the work “In the Light of Truth”. The essays contain personal thoughts and conclusions of the individual authors. These conclusions can offer the interested reader an encouragement to delve deeper still into the train of thought of the Grail Message so as to finally form his own judgement.

After each essay comes the corresponding lecture taken from the work “In the Light of Truth”.
Essay 1
The Work "In the Light of Truth" gives answers to unresolved questions. 
Should this imply for the reader a change in the way he forms his opinions?
Essay 2
For some human beings the Work "In the Light of Truth" has become the shining light and the staff in the forming of their earthly lives ...
To which personal recognition can this be adduced?
Essay 3
"All that is dead in creation shall be awakened, so that it may pass judgement upon itself!"